Contact Us
Name | Position | Phone |
Transportation Fort Bragg | ||
Vicki Andersen | OA Clerk Information Center | 910-861-7187 |
Natasha Artis | Student Information System Specialist | |
Katharine Bell | Teacher Art | 910-861-7187 |
Somer Beuch | Educational Aide | |
Laura Blood | Administrative Officer | 910-861-7187 |
Katie Burrows | Teacher | 910-861-7187 |
Taquana Burton | Cafeteria Manager | 910-861-7200 |
Melissa Callaway | Teacher Information Specialist | 910-861-7187 |
Diedre Capers | Teacher | 910-861-7187 |
Beth Cooper | Teacher | 910.861-7187 |
Alton Cox | Teacher PE | 910-861-7187 |
Jennifer Dugat | Teacher | 910-861-7187 |
Brenda Estevez | Teacher | 0910-861-7187 |
DaMonique Fifield | Educational Aide LIMS | |
Carmen Frank | Educational Aide PSCD | |
Chicara Gillette | Supplemental Instructional Support Aide | |
Jaimee Green | School Counselor | 910-861-7187 |
Jacqueline Hahn | Teacher | 910-861-7187 |
Caitlyn Hall | Teacher | 910-861-7187 |
Melissa Hansraj | Teacher | 910-861-7187 |
Semara Harper-Cole | Educational Aide PSCD | |
Candice Harrell | Educational Aide LIMS | |
Gerrie Harrison | Teacher | 910-861-7187 |
Rosa Heidenberg | Teacher | 910-861-7187 |
Katrese Hutchinson | School Counselor | 910-861-7187 |
Quandra Johnson | Teacher | 910-861-7187 |
Christa Kimberlin | Teacher | 910-861-7187 |
Brittni LaGuardia | Supplemental Instructional Support Aide | |
Philene Law | Educational Aide | |
Sharon Lloyd | Teacher | 910-861-7187 |
Twannia Mason | Educational Aide LIMS | |
Sarah Maynard | Teacher | 910-861-7187 |
Alejandra Mireles | Educational Aide | |
Rhiannon Molina | Educational Aide LIMM | |
Jackie Nemeth | Supplemental Instructional Support Aide | |
Keven Pagan-Colon | Supply | 910-861-7187 |
Jennifer Peyton | Teacher | 910-861-7187 |
Erika Pinero | Teacher PE | 910-861-7187 |
Jocelyn Polanco | Supplemental Instructional Support Aide | |
Rachel Ritz | Teacher Music | 910-861-7187 |
Michael Sauers | Teacher | 910-861-7187 |
Leanne Schmotzer | Teacher | 910-861-7187 |
Sheila Sylvester | Teacher | 910-861-7187 |
Mary Thompson | Teacher | 910-861-7187 |
Achaia Twyne | Educational Aide LIMM | |
Lisa Walker | Registrar | 910-861-7187 |
LaForrest Washington | Teacher | 910-861-7187 |
Kristin Wolfe | Teacher | 910-861-7187 |
Maurianna Wright | Educational Aide LIMS |
Grade | Regular Hours | Wednesday Hours |
PK - 5 | 8:20 AM - 2:50 PM | 8:20 AM - 1:55 PM |
Early Checkout Ends | 2:00 PM | 1:00 PM |
Cafeteria Hours | Start | End |
Breakfast | 7:55 am | 8:15 am |
Lunch | 10:30 am | 12:30 pm |
Arrival Procedures
- Students may not arrive at school before 8:00 a.m. unless they participate in the breakfast program.
- Breakfast is served from 7:45 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.
- Students who eat breakfast may arrive at 7:45 a.m. and will go directly to the cafeteria upon their arrival.
- Children arriving after 8:20 am are tardy and must be accompanied by a parent and report to the office for a pass.
Car Riders
- Please use the school's designated drop off and pick up areas.
- Parents who need to enter the building should park in the parking lot.
- All unloading and loading of students must occur from the passenger side of the vehicle for safety reasons.
- NC law prohibits cars from stopping in the crosswalk.
- Parents of tardy students arriving by car should park in the parking lot before escorting their child inside the building to be signed in.
- For safety and security purposes as well as inclement weather concerns, all walking students will enter and exit through the designated entrances.
- The Fort Liberty Home Alone Policy states that all students fourth grade and under have to be under direct supervision of an adult at all times. For more information on this policy, parents may call the U. S. Army Child and Youth Services office at (910) 396-8110.
- For safety and security purposes pets of any form are not allowed on campus or in our schools during arrival and dismissal times.
Please contact the school for more information about arrival and dismissal procedures.